On Tuesday, August 5, 1928, William Alexander Scott founded the Atlanta World (AW) newspaper. Today, Sunday, August 5th, 2018 marks the 90th anniversary of the AW . . . In 1932 the AW became a daily newspaper and then came to be known at the Atlanta Daily World (ADW) . . . The AW/ADW world was run by the Scott family until March 5th, 2012 . . . It was then sold to Real Times Media . . .
In the intervening years, since March of 2012, the Scott family members have often discussed how we might honor the “legacy” of William Alexander Scott, the founder of the AW/ADW . . .
The AW/ADW has historically been considered the first successful, black newspaper in the United States; although the paper only became a daily in 1932 . . .
The historical import of the AW/ADW lies at the heart of why the William Alexander Scott Chronicle has come into existence on the 90th anniversary of the founding of the AW/ADW . . .